In-class Assignment
Color Choices

Each person's concept of the color that corresponds to a particular word is different, even though when we speak these words we assume that everyone understands what color we ourselves are imagining. This assignment asks you to identifyyour personal interpretation of common color words, which the instructor will then compare with your fellow students' choices.

Your identity will never appear in any of the graphs and pictures that the instructor will prepare.


Usethe following online color picker to show which color best matches each of the most common color words from the English language. Please continue reading these instructions to get to the list of color words.


Here's what the worksheet will look like after you start filling it in:

Begin by showing us whatyou think each color looks like. Use this online color picker to click around until the color displayed matches your concept of, for example, “red.”

To communicate your personal color choices, you will type in HSB coordinates (3 numbers) for each word.

HSB coordinates: using an online color picker, adjust the appearance of the color to match each word you wrote.Please pick the color that best matches your personal impression of what is most typical for each color word. Record just the top 3 numbers for the color in HSB coordinates. HSBstands for Hue, Saturation, and Brightness.

If you are typing the numbers instead of copy-and-pasting, you can just round to the nearest integer value.

Here's a high-tech screenshot showing which numbers to use after you've clicked on your color choice:

To submit your choices:

1) Fill in your choices for the first 9 colors on the worksheet

After filling in the HSB numbers, please answer the following as well:

2) Add a few additional color words of your choice to the first column, and fill those rows in too.

Please type over the text that is already in those cells.

3)Download the completed worksheet as a .csv file, and upload that to this Canvas page.

Here's a screenshot showing how to do this from the worksheet.

The downloaded file usually ends up in a folder named “Downloads” on your computer.

[All done!]