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Color choices: Fall 2019 Results

Variability in choices for common colors

Each dot represents a choice from one student.

95% confidence ellipses have been added to this plot, which gives a sense of the overall variability of the choices.

Hues chosen for each color

This version of the main plot reveals which hues were chosen for each color, by discounting saturation and brightness. All colors have been drawn using identical values for saturation and brightness.

Ratings of the common colors

Few students like brown :(

Hokies like to wear orange :)

People like wearing brown clothes more than they like brown as a color.

Additional colors named by students

Histograms that quantify the variability of the color choices

Correlations between color variables

Brightness and saturation of the choices were correlated for the yellow-orange-red-brown range.

Wordclouds: adjectives and objects chosen to represent each color

Word size is proportional to the number of people who named that word.

teaching/color/color_results_2019_fall.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/22 09:32 by anthony