Table of Contents
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Visual Neuroscience Lab Publications
Identification of dot clusters in a Gaussian-distributed field:
The range of human perception and a comparison with spectral graph clustering
Cate, A. D. (2023) “Identification of dot clusters in a Gaussian-distributed field:
The range of human perception and a comparison with spectral graph clustering.” Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
The figural shape of 3D concave regions activates temporopolar cortex
Cate, A. D. (2021). “The figural shape of 3D concave regions activates temporopolar cortex.” Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL.
Link to reveal.js slideshow:
You Can't Play 20 Questions with an Algorithm and Win
PDF version:
You can’t play 20 questions with an algorithm and win: how to break deep networks productively.
Cate, A. D. (2019). “You can’t play 20 questions with an algorithm and win: how to break deep networks productively.” Algorithms That Make You Think Workshop, Blacksburg, VA.
Link to reveal.js slideshow:
Modeling Visual Enumeration Using Cumulative Link Regression
Norton, A., Ulrich, C. L., Bell, M. A. & Cate, A. (2018). “Mathematics at Hand.” The Mathematics Educator
27(1): 33–59.
fMRI investigation of part-whole contingencies using 2-D shapes: A
partial least squares analysis
Muralidharan, P. & Cate, A. D. (2017). “fMRI investigation of part-whole contingencies using 2-D shapes: A
partial least squares analysis.” Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Eye Movements during Emotional Scene
Processing: Exploring the Role of Visual Perception in Intrusive Mental Imagery
Roldán, S. M., Obertello, O. & Cate, A. D. (2017, May). “Eye Movements during Emotional Scene
Processing: Exploring the Role of Visual Perception in Intrusive Mental Imagery.” Vision Sciences Society
Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL.
Empty space is less crowded: stereo-defined 3D letters exhibit less crowding when they are concave than when they are convex
Cate, A. D. & Hartman, M. (2016). “Empty space is less crowded: stereo-defined 3D letters exhibit less
crowding when they are concave than when they are convex.” Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, St.
Pete Beach, FL.
Physical Size and Spatiotopic Cues Modulate Inverted Face Representation
Brown, J. M., Cate, A. (2016). Physical Size and Spatiotopic Cues Modulate Inverted Face Representation . Presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, New York, NY, USA.
Identifying Distinctive Features in Object Recognition
Roldán, S. M. & Cate, A. D. (2016). “Identifying Distinctive Features in Object Recognition.” Vision
Sciences Society Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL.
Perceptual Organization in Parkinson's disease: The Role of the
Basal ganglia in Shape-Based Object Recognition and Emotion Perception
Muralidharan, P. & Cate, A. D. (2016). “Perceptual Organization in Parkinson's disease: The Role of the Basal ganglia in Shape-Based Object Recognition and Emotion Perception.” Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL.
Functional and anatomical properties of human visual cortical fields.
Zhang, S., Cate, A. D., Herron, T. J., Kang, X., Yund, E. W., Bao, S., & Woods, D. L. (2015). Functional and anatomical properties of human visual cortical fields. Vision Research, 109, Part A, 107–121.
Concurrent fMRI analysis of part-whole structure and subjective object norms for items from the BOSS (Bank of Standardized Stimuli) data set.
Cate, A., & Roldán, S. M. (2015). Concurrent fMRI analysis of part-whole structure and subjective object norms for items from the BOSS (Bank of Standardized Stimuli) data set. Presented at the Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL.
Human cortical visual pathways for the perception of figural shapes that violate Gestalt principles: fMRI of 3D concave shape from stereopsis.
Cate, A. D., Brown, J. M., & Roldán, S. M. (2014). Human cortical visual pathways for the perception of figural shapes that violate Gestalt principles: fMRI of 3D concave shape from stereopsis. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.
Neural correlates of holistic and configural visual object processing.
Roldán, S. M., & Cate, A. D. (2014). Neural correlates of holistic and configural visual object processing. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.
Effects of physical size on visual contour integration and global-local judgments of hierarchical forms.
Brown, J. M., & Cate, A. D. (2014). Effects of physical size on visual contour integration and global-local judgments of hierarchical forms. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.
Mathematical Ways of Operating: an fMRI Study with 12-year-old participants.
Cate, A. D., Rosen, A., Bell, M. A., Ulrich, C., Roldán, S. M., & Norton, A. (2014). Mathematical Ways of Operating: an fMRI Study with 12-year-old participants. Presented at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany.
Identifying Parts and Wholes in Real-World Objects: An Application of Critical Spacing
Roldán, S. M., Liu, M., De Roma, J., & Cate, A. D. (2013). Identifying Parts and Wholes in Real-World Objects: An Application of Critical Spacing. Presented at the Object Perception, Attention and Memory, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Spatial grouping and visual enumeration performance: signal detection analysis.
Cate, A. D., & Tzur, L. (2013). Spatial grouping and visual enumeration performance: signal detection analysis. Presented at the Psychonomics Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON., Canada.
Spatial and semantic memory for kinesthetic learning in large-scale visual displays.
Smith, D., Chung, H., Ragan, E., Self, J., North, C., & Cate, A. D. (2013). Spatial and semantic memory for kinesthetic learning in large-scale visual displays. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Intermodal attention modulates visual processing in dorsal and ventral streams.
Cate, A. D., Herron, T. J., Kang, X., Yund, E. W., & Woods, D. L. (2012). Intermodal attention modulates visual processing in dorsal and ventral streams. NeuroImage, 63(3), 1295–1304.
O’Neil, E. B., Protzner, A. B., McCormick, C., McLean, D. A., Poppenk, J., Cate, A. D., & Köhler, S. (2012). Distinct patterns of functional and effective connectivity between perirhinal cortex and other cortical regions in recognition memory and perceptual discrimination. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y.: 1991), 22(1), 74–85.
Kang, X., Herron, T. J., Cate, A. D., Yund, E. W., & Woods, D. L. (2012). Hemispherically-Unified Surface Maps of Human Cerebral Cortex: Reliability and Hemispheric Asymmetries. PLoS ONE, 7(9), e45582.
Cate, A., Herron, T., Kang, X., & Woods, D. (2012). Cortical surface-based meta-analysis of human visuotopic regions from published stereotaxic coordinates. Presented at the Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Naples, FL. In Journal of Vision (Vol. 12, pp. 523–523). Naples, FL.
The role of apparent size in building- and object-specific regions of ventral visual cortex.
Cate, A. D., Goodale, M. A., & Köhler, S. (2011). The role of apparent size in building- and object-specific regions of ventral visual cortex. Brain Research, 1388, 109–122.
Phonological processing in human auditory cortical fields.
Woods, D. L., Herron, T. J., Cate, A. D., Kang, X., & Yund, E. W. (2011). Phonological processing in human auditory cortical fields. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5, 42.
Part-whole integration of 2D shapes in the hippocampus and the basal ganglia.
Cate, A., Kang, X., Herron, T., & Woods, D. (2011). Part-whole integration of 2D shapes in the hippocampus and the basal ganglia. Presented at the Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Naples, FL. In Journal of Vision (Vol. 11, pp. 1094–1094). Naples, FL.
Herron, T. J., Cate, A. D., Kang, X., & Woods, D. L. (2011). VAMCA: A toolbox for the visualization and metaanalysis of functional organization of the cortex using an anatomical database. Presented at the 4th INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics, Boston, MA. In Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. Boston, MA.
Perceiving parts and shapes from concave surfaces.
Cate, A. D., & Behrmann, M. (2010). Perceiving parts and shapes from concave surfaces. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 72(1), 153–167.
Functional properties of human auditory cortical fields.
Woods, D. L., Herron, T. J., Cate, A. D., Yund, E. W., Stecker, G. C., Rinne, T., & Kang, X. (2010). Functional properties of human auditory cortical fields. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 4, 155.
Cate, A. D., Herron, T. J., & Woods, D. L. (2010). Divergence modeling: Analyzing perceptual representations via stimulus similarity and information theory. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Cate, A., Kang, X., Herron, T., Yund, E. W., & Woods, D. (2010). Shape dimensions, perceptual organization and intermodal selective attention: anterior extrastriate fMRI. Presented at the Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Naples, FL. In Journal of Vision (Vol. 10, pp. 1205–1205). Naples, FL.
Auditory Attention Activates Peripheral Visual Cortex.
Cate, A. D., Herron, T. J., Yund, E. W., Stecker, G. C., Rinne, T., Kang, X., … Woods, D. L. (2009). Auditory Attention Activates Peripheral Visual Cortex. PLoS ONE, 4(2), e4645.
Perirhinal Cortex Contributes to Accuracy in Recognition Memory and Perceptual Discriminations.
O’Neil, E. B., Cate, A. D., & Kohler, S. (2009). Perirhinal Cortex Contributes to Accuracy in Recognition Memory and Perceptual Discriminations. J. Neurosci., 29(26), 8329–8334.
Functional maps of human auditory cortex: effects of acoustic features and attention.
Woods, D. L., Stecker, G. C., Rinne, T., Herron, T. J., Cate, A. D., Yund, E. W., … Kang, X. (2009). Functional maps of human auditory cortex: effects of acoustic features and attention. PloS One, 4(4), e5183.
The missing whole in perceptual models of perirhinal cortex.
Cate, A. D., & Köhler, S. (2006). The missing whole in perceptual models of perirhinal cortex. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10(9), 396–397.
Spatial and temporal influences on extinction.
Cate, A., & Behrmann, M. (2002). Spatial and temporal influences on extinction. Neuropsychologia, 40(13), 2206–2225.